
Sarah walking down an outdoor covered area

How can I help you?

I support organisations across the UK, both large and small, and in any sector or industry. You can work with me on individual projects, occasional days, over a longer period or on a retainer.

Organisational, strategic planning and service transformation

Funded projects, evaluation, consultation, accreditation support, strategy and facilitation.

Sarah stood next to a traditional dress costume
A close up of Sarah in a purple cardigan smiling

Heritage collections (museums and archive)

Collections management, audience development, interpretation, outreach and engagement, statements of significance.

Digital and information management

Digital preservation, digitisation, copyright, information governance.

Sarah works on her laptop at a local museum
Sarah Wickham with a client discussing a project

Training and coaching

Archives apprenticeships, accessibility, facilitation, individual mentoring, volunteers.


Want to read more about specific projects? Find out how I have helped a range of organisations with my consultancy services.

A headshot of Sarah in a blue jumper smiling

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