Here to
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Archive, culture and information management consultant.

Sarah in an art gallery with a client

About Me

Sarah sitting on an oversized chair in a blue jumper

My name is Sarah Wickham and I've worked in archives with all kinds of people in different industries since 1998. I'm a fully qualified archivist and information/records manager, a chartered manager and an accredited coach.

I'm recognised for delivering/collaborative and my professional skills and experience. I was voted Record Keeper of the Year, and have won awards for Outstanding Team, for project delivery and service design. I'm one of the first cohort of Fellows of the Archives and Records Association.

My Values


We’ll have powerful, people-centred conversations to inspire fresh thinking. I will always respect your confidentiality. I value and work towards equality, diversity and inclusion.

Better future

I’m committed to environmental sustainability and reducing the climate impact of managing archives and information. This includes reducing overall emissions and limiting impacts from consuming mineral resources and water.

Tailored consultancy

Although they have similar challenges, no two clients are the same. I supply boutique consultancy, and that’s the way it will stay.

"Working with you has been a joy - despite being daunted by what lay ahead. I've learnt a great deal as you have taken us on our first ride on the road to strategy."

- CG, National Museum

What People Say

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A headshot of Sarah in a blue jumper smiling

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